What Are The Hand Signals In Craps?

Published Categorized as Casino

Craps is one of the few games in the casino where players are in charge of the action because they can throw the dice.

Despite craps being one of the most intimidating games in the casino, it can also be the most fun because it is fast-paced, and everyone is rooting for the same outcome.

There are fewer hand gestures in craps than in poker or blackjack; however, there are still several hand signals and etiquette that you need to learn.

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craps hand signals

Common Craps Hand Signs, Signals & Gestures

Buy Chips

Before you can play, you’ll need some chips. Put your cash down on the table to buy chips, and the dealer will slide some chips your way.

Place A Bet

Do not throw your wager at the dealers. Place your bet on the table and clearly state how much you are wagering. 

Pass Line Bet

Craps has several bet types, but the most common is The Pass Line Bet. This easy bet can easily get you through a whole night of gambling. First, wait for the dealer to turn the black hockey puck to “OFF,” then place your chips on the “Pass Line” on the craps table. The “Pass Line” can be found on the perimeter of the playing area and is clearly labeled.

There are several other bet types in craps, but don’t worry if you don’t know how they all work. You can ask the stickman, dealers, or other players to help as long as they’re not too busy. Your bets do not affect anyone else as long as they are placed in a timely manner.

Roll / Shoot The Dice

When playing craps, players take turns rolling the dice, and you’ll be presented with all of the dice when it’s your turn. 

When it’s your turn to be the shooter, then you’ll select two dice and hold them in one hand only, don’t switch the dice between hands. It’s crucial to handle and throw the dice with one hand only and make sure they bounce off the far wall. 

Also, remember to keep the dice above the table, don’t conceal or take the dice past the table’s edge. The dealers must know that you’re not adding other dice to the game and that the dice are visible to the CCTV cameras above the table. The boxman or dealers must order new dice if you break this rule.

Lastly, don’t overshake the dice — everybody likes to give the dice a good shake but do so quickly.

Below is a video that shows you how to throw dice in craps:

In summary, the main points are:

  1. Roll from a spot closest to the back wall which gives you the ability to toss the dice softer.
  2. Make sure your fingers are dry & not sticky because sticky fingers lead to random rolls.
  3. Setting the dice — pick up the dice with the numbers you want showing e.g., 6s on top & 5s facing you to throw much longer without throwing a 7.
  4. The grip — squeeze the dice together using four fingers to lock them in place.
  5. Your toss — how you throw will depend on where you are on the table and what’s most comfortable for you.
  6. Your landing zone — don’t slam the end wall with spikes because this leads to random rolls, which leads to 7s. Also, avoid areas with chips because chips also create random rolls.
  7. Look for table obstacles before rolling the dice – hands and arms can get in the way and mess up your toss.
  8. Consistency — if you can keep the factors above consistent, then you’ll become a more consistent and reliable shooter.

Confused? Here is a quick guide on how to play craps the easy way.

Pass Right

You don’t have to roll the dice if you’d prefer not to. When it’s your turn, then you can pass the dice on to the player on your right. To pass the dice, open your hand showing the dice in your palm to the player on your right.

Hands High

During a craps game, if the dealer calls “hands high” or “the dice are out” this means that players must lift their hands off the table to ensure nobody is interfering with play. 

Also, make sure that you hold any further betting and wait. Players should complete all wagers while the “Dice are in the middle” of the table and before the stickman delivers the dice to the shooter.

Craps Etiquette

Keep your hands visible.

Keep your hands over the rail and visible when the dice are moving. 

Never touch the dealers’ areas on the table.

Players must never touch the numbers, the center of the table, and the bank in front of the boxman.

Don’t touch the chips on the table.

Don’t pick up your chips from the table unless you have a winning bet. If a dealer makes a mistake placing a bet, then verbally call attention to the problem but don’t reach for the chips.

Don’t throw the dice too hard.

The idea is to toss the dice across the table and bounce them off the far wall. If you throw the dice at high speed or slam them too hard, they might jump off the table. If you bounce dice off the table, you’ll slow the game down, which is considered bad luck, plus you’ll get less attentive service from the dealers.

Don’t throw the dice into the dealers’ stacks or player-side table mirror.

If you throw the dice into the dealers’ stacks or player-side table mirror, you’ll slow the game down and frustrate the dealers and other players. Remember always to roll dice down the center of the table and bounce them off of the end wall.

Keep your drinks behind the rail at all times.

This one should be obvious because you don’t want to spill liquid onto the table which will interrupt the game. Plus, spilling drinks can be considered to cause bad luck, so you’ll need to put up with nasty stares for the rest of the night. It’s probably best to cash in your chips and leave the casino if this happens!

Don’t tap your cigarette or cigar ashes onto the table.

Again this one should be obvious as a common courtesy to both the casino and other players. The craps table is not an ashtray!